The foxhole concept in social dialogue
A different negotiation strategy can give your organisation a unique competitive advantage and is sure to lead to higher employee well-being and more return for your shareholders. In other words, you can have your cake and eat it.
Social negotiations
To make the best use of their time invested, managers shouldn’t consider labor relations a ‘necessary evil’ and union representatives should not get stuck in old rhetoric, but show courage and engage with everyone around the table to make things better for all stakeholders.
The TFW virus, the slow killer of companies?
An insidious virus is crippling many businesses and keeping them from achieving their potential performance and growth. Its name? The TFW virus. The good news is: it can be treated!
The limits of your language are the limits of your world
There is a link between power, knowledge and discourse. Systems of thought, science and politics evolve, not under the influence of history, but according to the interests they serve.
« To people » or not « To people »
Organisations need a new verb to describe how to most effectively interact with their constituents, to team up, to move forward together and to negotiate in view of obtaining a constructive outcome. This new verb is: ‘to people’.
Human beings are born storytellers
Do your colleagues really talk about your EWC and what it is all about? You have probably noticed that they don’t and that the EWC is very often next to invisible within the organisation. That is why every European Works Council needs a good story!
Paradigma exists to broaden your thinking
Every person and organisation will be faced with a choice to either stick to their old paradigm, to change it or to radically adopt a new one. Paradigma supports people and organisations to deal with these unknowns.